Abu Dhabi
Miscellaneous cultural package at ZHIC in conjunction with the 'Month of Reading'
Zayed House for Islamic Culture (ZHIC) launched a number of events and initiatives with regard to reading, in conjunction with the respective month celebrated in the United Arab Emirates this year under the slogan ‘My Family Reads’. The program targets new reverts, persons interested in Islamic culture along with their families and ZHIC staff with the aim to highlight the culture of reading and raise community awareness regarding knowledge at large. The in-house events pertinent to the ‘Month of Reading’ included a competition dubbed ‘My Family Reads’ to support parents role in instilling the love of reading in their children. Added to an initiative entitled ‘An Author’s Journey’ hosting a local person of culture on a virtual workshop.
Whereas the initiative ‘A Book In A Week’ vehicles knowledge to ZHIC staff invited to read selected academic and cultural eBooks to establish reading and individual self-acculturation; together with an event titled ‘|A Book in Minutes’ as a summary for a number of international titles in various fields sent to readers on a weekly basis.