
Distance learning: An authentic system

Dr. Mohammed Chemat, 2021
As communication technology develops, education too as a social framework and an empowering right.

As communication technology develops, education too as a social framework and an empowering right follows suit due to the significance role of technology reflected in remote learning along with its economic, social and cultural feasibility nowadays. Bearing in mind that such a type of education broadly speaking, is authentic enough to hearken back to old days centuries ago, despite the incomparable tools of each era. Reminiscently, 500 BCE, when Plato and other Greek philosophers would correspond with their disciples, passing knowledge remotely at that time with no stamps or physical existence of post offices or administrative institutions for mentors and disciples to attest official communication.  
Similarly, remote learning originated in the Islamic civilization, especially among the Abbassid scholars of various philosophies. As learners who would attend seminaries were free to choose not only courses, but also tutors, time of learning and attendance, as they would do their homework assigned individually while carrying on with a certain part-time job for a living.    
For instance, the sociologist Ibn Khaldun delved into remote learning exemplified in explications and comments on books’ margins that students would avail themselves of as explanation tools at the time. Just as learners benefit from audio/video lectures and respective e-files now, besides virtual video interactive learning. Which have all contributed to easing educational communication, particularly during difficult times. 
Hence, distance education though only clearly known in recent technology era; its deeply rooted foundations are good precursors for a promising educational system. That has already given conventional education a run for its money in the context of multiple learning channels.     

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